
upside down

upside downIt's your turn to write for the Grit. WHA?!


I'm gonna leave a comment and you write something that would've gotten that response outta me.

You can say as much or as little as you want. It's entirely up to you.

Just give me something that would make me say---

"I just scooped my jaw off the floor---I can't believe you said that!"

spit it out

A conversation from my last babysitting experience, just a few weeks ago:


Little Sister: There's another word I can never say right.

Me: Oh yeah? Which one?

Little Sister: New International Virgin. You know, like the Bible?

Me: [laughing] Mmhmm...

Little Sister: [trying to sound it out] Virgin... Virgin... Virgin... See. I can't say that word.

Slightly Older Sister: That's what Mary was, right?

Me: Umm, yeah. So, whose turn is it on Wii Bowling?


What word(s) do you have a hard time saying?

make me laugh: winner


I so appreciate the many of you who sent videos to make me laugh. And laugh I did, I assure you. I'm also grateful that some of you sent a video hello. My face likes seeing your faces.

The winning video had me doubled-over in laughter. I've watched it over a dozen times, and it still makes me laugh. Every. Single. Time.

The Make Me Laugh award goes to...

:: insert drum roll here ::

... Tracee and Stephanie!

I hope their video makes the rest of you laugh even half as much as I did.Watching it is definitely worth the four+ minutes you'll never get back.

Tracee and Steph? Your StarBUCKS and iCASH will be heading your way soon. Oh, and you've got a week to submit your acceptance speech video, ok? Your fans will be waiting. I know you won't disappoint us.


A huge thanks to all of you who participated. You seriously made my day week month.