four-minute friday: STORY (so far)

Go. My heart is teetering on the edge right now. Let's see if four minutes of rambling balances things out a bit, or ever-so-slightly causes me to tilt even further into the abyss...

My time at STORY has been incredible so far. It's just been so packed that I don't feel as though I've had time to process anything yet. I've taken furious notes, and have gotten so many great nuggets out of each speaker... but I'm not sure I know how to answer the "how is STORY?" question. I'm gonna need some breathing room to go back through all my notes and really chew on everything that's marinating in my heart right now. (I think that analogy is stemming from my growling stomach at the moment. iHunger. Clearly.)

Soaking in God's presence as Kari Jobe led worship yesterday morning was by far one of the highlights for me. I get lost in music. Yet I feel God uniquely find me in that place. I think I love music even more because of that paradox.

Another highlight has for sure been all the great conversations I've had. I've been able to spend time (too brief, as always) with so many amazing people. I seriously am overwhelmed to tears by the stellar people God's put in my life. I feel undeserving to run with such giants. So, so thankful. And so, so humbled.

Okay - it's your turn. Give me four minutes of ... anything. Please?
